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The Most Important Journey

I was born in Argentina and one of the things I love to do the most is to travel, but today I am not going to talk to you about a physical journey, I am going to talk to you about the most important journey I have made in my life, which was my internal journey, the journey to my history, to my family tree, to my roots, to my ancestors, my lineage, to my trans-generational memories.


These memories remind us that we are connected not only by blood ties but also by shared experiences over time. By exploring these memories with compassion and openness, we can free ourselves from invisible burdens and forge a path towards healing and personal growth.


What were my learnings from the process?

First, I feel very grateful from a very humble place, for the process and for the learning process. How beautiful the process was, although many times it was not easy. I have learned that this darkness can be crossed, that in this darkness there is a light, that there is love, and as painful as it may be, it can always be transformed into medicine, as long as I am willing to open my heart, with humility, respect and empathy.


I learned that the invisible world is as present as the visible, that I am not alone, that I am a group of hearts that were there before, and that are here today, that I am only the tip of a pyramid and behind me there is a very powerful force that supports me at all times, and above all that I can ask for assistance at all times.


I learned to look with love at mom and dad, to connect with the divine part of both, to connect with that first look of love, and to be very proud and grateful for where I come from.


I learned to connect with my entire tree, with my ancestors, with their stories, with their pains and joys, and so I learned to connect with myself.


I learned to connect with my guiding ancestor, she has accompanied me throughout the process, she was such a beautiful force, so present, so abundant and so precise.


I learned to embrace that girl and discover her first wound, which was so painful until the present, I can see how I worked all my life from there, like a machine, what it meant to feel abandoned, and how that had repercussions in many moments of my life, how it was activated all the time, and how I responded from there in many situations, even though it was not necessary.


I learned that many of my beliefs were not real, it was just a mechanism, beliefs about who I am, how I am.


I learned that only by healing do you reach Peace, joy, the true self, the essence.


I learned to listen without getting involved in other people's stories, to be more receptive, more empathetic, more compassionate, with myself and with others.


I learned that it is so necessary to look inside, to recognize how my internal landscape is, to tear down those walls, so that life can be more original, more beautiful.


I learned to find my own power, my strength, to not only connect with the heavy, but also to connect with joy and achievements. I learned to laugh at myself, at such deep-rooted beliefs that I had, believing that I had achieved so many things alone, and today my outlook is totally different, thanks to my ancestors, thanks to my parents above all for giving me life, this beautiful life.


I learned that pain is what made me search, and without that pain I would not have reached many places.


I learned that my story is the most beautiful story that could touch me, and if they gave me the power to change something, I would not change anything, because I am very blessed.


I could go on and on writing about all the learnings, but sometimes words are not enough to describe what overflows the soul, simply much, much, much GRATITUDE, perhaps it is one of the most beautiful learnings, to feel gratitude in a real way in my heart, to feel that energy that fills you so much, that energy that can illuminate the darkest room of memories, that energy that transforms everything and I know that my Ancestors are as grateful as I am, because I know that they also needed a lot of peace and needed the light and to be seen and honored.


“Medicine arises from the lineage, they are great forces if we have to ally ourselves with them.”


If this resonates in your heart and you would like to connect and travel to that place within you to connect with your own history and all that you are, and feel again the strength that comes from the ancient, I share ancestral meditations in Artemis ethos, feel welcome to come.


Thank you for reading me, with love, Norali

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